Monday, October 09, 2006

Goodbye, Mrs. Gloop. Adieu. Aufwiedersehen. Gesundheit. Farewell.

There are little things in life that give one pause. Sometimes, instead of getting worked up about the economy, the price of gas, kiddie rapers in Congress and the Krazy Koreans getting the bomb there are little moments that restore your faith in all that is good and pure and honest.
Tonight I had one of those moments. To be fair, thanks to the boys I had one of those moments. They made it clear after a few minutes of the Ravens/Broncos game that they were more interested in watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Just to be clear, they aren't at all interested in the hideous Johnny Depp/Tim Burton crapfest. Here's a lesson for the Hollywood CrassMeisters, if given a choice between whimsical classic and a Michael Jackson allegory with Freudian overtones, they will pick the one that creeps them out the least.

Also, they love midgets. Or little people. Or whatever they prefer to be called now.

So much of what is cranked out for mass consumption today is some kind of bastardized version of something that was perfectly good way back when. Rather than letting kids watch the classic Looney Tunes, they have to spit up something called Loonatics Unleashed. There isn't a kid in America who didn't see through that cheap stunt.

How about the classic Dr. Seuss cartoons that introduced kids to The Grinch and The Cat in the Hat? They have recently been turned into live action offal. The kids today will grow up afraid of Mike Myers and Jim Carrey the same way kids of my generation grew up afraid of clowns.

I'm proud of the kids for having good taste. Not to mention this damn football game is a 3-3 barnburner after three quarters.


At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can't believe they redid Wonka. I mean...Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson? Hello? It didn't need high tech midgets. They only used one. Think of all the Little People that could've worked.

I'm with you on the Grinch and the Cat, too. You can't outdo Boris Karloff.


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